Straight off this is an excellent video. This bitch deserves to be up the duff full of a sprog. Exactly as she wanted and she says she will keep the baby if there is one. You may ask what the fuck? During the over an hour of non-stop deep throat fucking and spewing one of the guys decides to blow a load into her pussy. Speculum proof as she is opened wide and you witness the cum covering the uterus. More jizz is poured into her and she is elated. She does wanna be knocked up make no mistake. She will go home to hubby with more than she bargained for. A purse full of cash and a puss full of .. well maybe babe. Deep throating is this bitch’s stock and trade and when she pukes it is well aimed and sloshes perfectly into the whore bowl. Eating the ass of a man is something she takes in her stride and then the bukkake cumshots to the face by three white dudes. Whore bowl is emptied on her and she fucks off with not a care in the world skipping and as jolly as if it was her birthday….